What Americans know about science

There are substantial differences among Americans when it comes to knowledge and understanding of science and scientific processes. People's level of science knowledge varies by education, race, ethnicity and gender, according ...

Google, McClatchy collaborating on local news experiment

Google and the McClatchy publishing company say they will work together on an experiment launching three digital-only outlets to provide local news in U.S. communities that are currently news "deserts."

Russian troll farm aimed to discourage black US voters: study

The Russian troll farm that disrupted the 2016 US presidential election sought particularly to demoralize Africa-Americans and discourage them from voting, according to a comprehensive new report for the Senate.

Social media tops print as news source for Americans: study

Social media has overtaken print newspapers as a news source for Americans, researchers said Monday, highlighting the growing importance of services such as Facebook and Twitter as well as the troubled state of legacy news ...

The social implications of teens leaving Facebook

For years, Facebook grew in size and influence at a staggering rate. But recent reports suggest its hold on users —particularly in the developed world —may be weakening.

Instagram ramps up battle against bullying

Instagram on Tuesday added more weapons to battle cyber bullying, using artificial intelligence to scan photos for abusive content at the Facebook-owned service.

Online harassment a problem for many US teens: survey

A majority of US teenagers say they have been victims of online harassment or bullying, and that social media companies aren't doing enough to fight the problem, a survey showed Thursday.

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