Biodegradable cabinet: A new approach to sustainability

A furniture design academic from Sheffield Hallam University has started creating furniture made from 100 per cent biodegradable material, which can be composted at the end of its lifespan.

Brussels says no plans for EU-wide shale gas ban

The European Union has no plans to impose a blanket ban on hydraulic fracturing, a controversial shale gas extraction method, but it will lay out rules to address environmental concerns, a top EU official said Tuesday.

Sunken barge threatens oil spill in Danube, WWF says

Oil from a barge that sank in a bay off the Bulgarian section of the Danube is in danger of leaking into the main river, posing "potentially serious" consequences, environmental group WWF said Wednesday.

Rio bay fisherfolk in deadly feud over oil complex

Fisherman Alexandre Anderson vows that despite six attempts on his life he will keep fighting against the oil project he believes is threatening fishing in Rio's polluted Guanabara Bay.

Taiwan slams brake on $20 bn petrochemical project

A controversial giant petrochemical project in Taiwan is expected to be abandoned after the island's leader voiced his opposition on environmental grounds, officials said Friday.

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