New way to produce antimatter-containing atom discovered

( -- Physicists at the University of California, Riverside report that they have discovered a new way to create positronium, an exotic and short-lived atom that could help answer what happened to antimatter in ...

Detector advance could lead to cheaper, easier medical scans

Researchers in the U.S. and Japan have demonstrated the first experimental cross-sectional medical image that doesn't require tomography, a mathematical process used to reconstruct images in CT and PET scans . The work, published ...

New radiolabeling method for personalized cancer treatment

Researchers from TU Delft have found a new method to efficiently make nano carriers loaded with radioactive salts for both imaging and treatment. Because the assembly of these nano carriers is incredibly simple, the innovation ...

Is your dog aggressive? A vet explains 'rage syndrome'

Dog aggression is a condition that can hit home for pet owners, as it can be unsettling, stressful, and even dangerous, not only for the dog but also for other pets, family members, and strangers.

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