What's for dinner on Mars?

Imagine finding freeze-dried meats and fruits, dehydrated vegetables, egg crystals, ghee-like anhydrous butter, powdered milk and chipotle peppers in your kitchen, but not a morsel of fresh food.

Man's best friend

People have an innate need to establish close relationships with other people. But this natural bonding behaviour is not confined to humans: many animals also seem to need relationships with others of their kind. For domesticated ...

Study finds flame retardants at high levels in pet dogs

Indiana University scientists have found chemical flame retardants in the blood of pet dogs at concentrations five to 10 times higher than in humans, but lower than levels found in a previous study of cats.

Veterinarian offers tips to prevent holiday weight gain in pets

The holiday season is filled with hearty, delicious food, visiting with friends and family, decreased physical activity, busy schedules and weight gain. According to a Kansas State University veterinarian, it is also a time ...

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