Improved prediction of pesticide residues

The use of pesticides can lead to a build-up of toxic and ecologically harmful residues in the soil. Until recently, it was not possible to ascertain in detail to which pesticides this applies and to what extent. Now, researchers ...

Student start-up reduces toxic threat of pesticides

Imagine you're a farmer whose crops are nearing their harvest time. You've just sprayed them with standard pesticides to keep the bugs away until the fruit is ready, and then you see a report that there will be huge storm ...

Medical residues purified from wastewater with new techniques

Contaminants such as medical residues and pesticides go through the traditional wastewater purifying process and go back to the environment. Concern over their volyme in waste and drinking water is growing globally. Research ...

Foreign insects, diseases got into US

(AP) -- Dozens of foreign insects and plant diseases slipped undetected into the United States in the years after 9/11, when authorities were so focused on preventing another attack that they overlooked a pest explosion ...

Digging for past clues on climate change

Scientists are hoping samples of soil formed up to 20,000 years ago that they dug from the Meadowlands will provide clues to dramatic shifts in climate, geology and plant life that may have hit the region in the past.

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