A third of global farmland at 'high' pesticide pollution risk

A third of the planet's agricultural land is at "high risk" of pesticide pollution from the lingering residue of chemical ingredients that can leach into water supplies and threaten biodiversity, according to research published ...

Pesticides found to accumulate in fat tissue

Pesticides accumulate in bodies with high fat content. This conclusion has been reported by scientists from the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), who have been studying seabirds and marine mammals of the Sea of Okhotsk ...

Pesky pollutants that persist, courtesy of nature

In the late 1970s, the United States banned the production of an assortment of synthetic pesticides, insulators, coolants and flame retardants due to their toxicity and the fact that they stick around for a long time. But ...

Coral rehab finding offers hope for Great Barrier Reef

Coral ecosystems cope much better than was first thought when the reef habitat is fragmented, a new study has found, meaning that efforts to restore even small parts of the damaged Great Barrier Reef could reap great rewards.

Filtering out pesticides with E. coli

Genetically modified bacteria could be used in air filters to extract pesticide vapors from polluted air thanks to work by researchers in China published this month in the International Journal of Environment and Pollution.

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