Caterpillars listen to voicemail by eating soil

Leaf-eating caterpillars greatly enrich their intestinal flora by eating soil. Even effects of plants that previously grew in that soil can be found back in bacteria and fungi in caterpillars. Researchers from the Netherlands ...

Researchers use 'banker plants' to help battle whitefly pests

A U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist is showing growers how to combat whiteflies and other crop pests by using plants as storehouses for predatory insects that can migrate to cash crops and feed on the pests ...

Bringing bugs to the classroom makes everyone smarter

Through a curriculum appropriately titled, "Bed Bugs and Book Bags," students worldwide are learning how to identify bed bugs, where they hide out and much more. The program teaches how to prevent the insects, and a new University ...

Farmland weeds can help combat pests

Leaving some weeds between crops can help to combat pests on agricultural land, according to a new study carried out by the University of Bonn. This step has particularly positive effects in combination with other measures: ...

Oil palms and conservation -- do they mix?

Conservation science can help protect the variety of living things in tropical landscapes even if they are being turned into oil palm plantations, new research argues.

Gateway enzyme for chemicals from catnip to cancer drug

Scientists have discovered an enzyme used in nature to make powerful chemicals from catnip to a cancer drug, vinblastine. The discovery opens up the prospect of producing these chemicals cheaply and efficiently.

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