New research on damsel bug bites

Eduardo Faundez, an NDSU doctoral student majoring in entomology, recently had a paper published in the prestigious Journal of Medical Entomology. The paper, titled "A Case of Biting Humans by Nabis americoferus (Heteroptera: ...

Wasps: Why we should love our underrated pollinators

I was lying on the jungle floor of a Malaysian rainforest with a wasp nest dangling 10 cm from my nose. I had painted each wasp with a few colored spots so that I could tell one from another.

A new way to stop insect pests in their tracks

Spotted lanternfly, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, Asian longhorned beetle. These are but a few of the hundreds of exotic insect pests that have been accidentally introduced to North America, causing millions ...

Overseas lab seeks US weed control 'recruits'

The search is on for insects, mites, microbes or nematodes that could be used in a biologically based approach to controlling silverleaf nightshade, an invasive weed from the Americas that has spread to southern Europe, Africa, ...

Researcherargeting voracious Kudzu bug

Alabama Extension specialist and Auburn University professor Xing Ping Hu is gaining insight into the virulent kudzu bug, including the discovery of a native predator that could go a long way toward reducing the pest's numbers.

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