Avocado farmers face unique foe in fungal-farming beetle

(Phys.org) —Beetles with unusual "green thumbs" for growing fungi are threatening avocado crops and could transform into a more destructive pest, according to an international team of researchers.

Plant gene found in insect, shields it from leaf toxins

Millions of years ago, aphid-like insects called whiteflies incorporated a portion of DNA from plants into their genome. A Chinese research team, publishing March 25th in the journal Cell, reveals that whiteflies use this ...

Himalayan farmers give early pointers on climate change

Himalayan villagers have won the backing of climate science for their suspicions that snow cover, water resources and the ecosystem are changing in their region, a study published Wednesday said.

Searching for ways to control an agricultural nuisance

Even the name sounds threatening. Known as "dog-strangling vines" in Canada, European swallowworts are invasive vines that can grow to 8 feet in length and wrap around supporting vegetation and smother it. There are two species, ...

Space nematodes: A giant leap for interplanetary agriculture

In a successful return-to-space mission, research study results indicate that beneficial insect-killing nematodes (small round worms) can be used in the future for natural control of insect pests when humans are growing crops ...

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