France asks EU to suspend GM crop authorisation

France's ecology ministry said Monday it had asked European regulators to suspend authorisation for the use of genetically modified MON 810 maize crops from US company Monsanto based on new studies.

Push-pull practices 'control pests, increase maize yields'

So-called "push-pull" agricultural practices that aim to improve crop yields by minimizing the use of synthetic herbicides and insecticides increases yields and prevents pests from adapting over time, a study shows.

Pest control: Wicked weeds may be agricultural angels

Farmers looking to reduce reliance on pesticides, herbicides and other pest management tools may want to heed the advice of Cornell agricultural scientists: Let nature be nature - to a degree.

'Fly Man' researches pesky pests on Alcatraz

When forensic entomologist Robert Kimsey leaves the UC Davis Department of Entomology for his bimonthly trips to Alcatraz Island, it's not to sightsee.

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