Finding the sweet spot in advertising personalization

Personalization is not a new phenomenon in marketing. It existed before the internet. In 1892, Sears, an American chain of department stores, was amongst the first companies to embrace the concept through direct marketing. ...

The 'double edge' of pervasive personalisation

Anyone who uses online shopping, social media or even email is voluntarily – though not necessarily consciously – experiencing the influence of personalised technologies. The "profiling" which leads to advertisements ...

Combining personalization and privacy for user data

Computer scientists and legal experts from Trinity College Dublin and SFI's ADAPT centre are working to marry two of cyberspace's greatest desires, by simultaneously providing enhanced options for user personalisation alongside ...

Facebook in challenge to Google crown

Facebook is challenging Google's supremacy on the Internet with a radically different approach to how people live, work, play and search online.

Smart radio prototype developed in Finland

The radio of the future will know the listener's preferences. It will also know when background music is needed and when the user wants to listen intently. The prototype of this online radio learns from user's listening habits, ...

Energy saving project wins international competition

A pioneering project by the University of Southampton, which aims to improve energy efficiency in the home, has won the British Gas Connecting Homes Startup Competition.