Decision to live together negatively affects wealth accumulation

Living together is often a first step before marriage, or for a growing number of millennials, an alternative to tying the knot. Money or debt can be a common reason for this decision, but there are long-term financial implications ...

Higher earners have easier time understanding pensions

People who have higher incomes devote more attention to understanding the pension rules. The information published by the public authorities is designed for too narrow a target group.

People without cars, financial assets less likely to marry: study

A study published this week in the American Journal of Sociology finds that people who lack personal wealth in the form of a car or financial assets are significantly less likely to enter into a first marriage. The results, ...

These dating apps are all about location

Sitting in the stands at Dodger Stadium, Steve Bergmann began checking out nearby women he might hit on. But his eyes weren't scanning the seats - they were fixed on his smartphone.

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