US intelligence group to review privacy issues

US intelligence director James Clapper introduced a review group Monday that will assess whether the right balance is being struck between national security and personal privacy.

Germany ends Cold War spying pact with US, Britain (Update 2)

Germany canceled a Cold War-era surveillance pact with the United States and Britain on Friday in response to revelations by National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden about those countries' alleged electronic eavesdropping ...

Germany lobbies for UN online privacy charter

(AP)—Senior German officials are seeking European support for a new global charter safeguarding personal privacy online, as the country's data protection watchdogs called Wednesday for the suspension of a key agreement ...

South Korea blames North Korea for cyberattack (Update)

South Korean investigators on Tuesday blamed rival North Korea for a cyberattack last month on dozens of South Korean media and government websites, including those of the president and prime minister.

Dell panel warns of 'risk' if buyout plan fails

The special committee set up by Dell to evaluate options for the troubled computer giant warned Friday of "substantial downside risk" if shareholders reject a buyout plan led by founder Michael Dell.

Blackstone drops out of race to buy Dell (Update)

Buyout specialist Blackstone Group LP is dropping its effort to acquire Dell as the computer maker faces slumping sales in personal computers and worsening financial projections.

Michael Dell to be 'aggressive' if buyout succeeds

Personal computer industry pioneer Michael Dell would "invest for growth" and compete aggressively in new markets if his plan to take the company he founded private succeeds, according to a new memo.

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