Password breach spreads beyond LinkedIn

More websites admitted security breaches Thursday after LinkedIn said some of its members' passwords were stolen, and experts warned of email scams targeting users of the social network.

European heavyweights Airbus, Altran targeted by cyberattacks

European aerospace and defence group Airbus has launched an inquiry into the origin and targets of a cyberattack detected earlier in January, the same month that French IT consulting group Altran also saw attempts to breach ...

Improving security with face recognition technology

A number of U.S. states now use facial recognition technology when issuing drivers licenses. Similar methods are also used to grant access to buildings and to verify the identities of international travelers. Historically, ...

From Yahoo to Uber, major hacks of data

The European Union's new data protection rules, which take effect on May 25, will give people more control over the way their personal information is used online.

Koobface computer virus gang unmasked

Online security researchers claimed Tuesday to have identified the members of a Russian gang of cyber criminals behind the Koobface computer virus which has attacked Facebook and other sites.

Lockheed Martin hit by cyber attack

Hackers launched a "significant and tenacious" cyber attack on Lockheed Martin, a major defense contractor holding highly sensitive information, but its secrets remained safe, the company said Saturday.

Microsoft CEO Ballmer's salary up 4 percent in '09

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. raised CEO Steve Ballmer's salary by 4 percent at the start of fiscal 2009, a year in which the software maker's profit declined 17 percent as the economic meltdown decimated personal computer sales.

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