Feeding native ecosystems with waste

UC researchers are pioneering the use of treated sewage to restore native plants on Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula.

Shopping study explores animal welfare in a virtual supermarket

How can we encourage consumers to pay more attention to animal welfare aspects when they purchase meat? It now appears that this cannot be achieved solely by making the animal husbandry labels more visible. At least, this ...

New method for identifying bacteria more easily

Far too many antibiotics are used around the world. As a result, bacteria are becoming resistant to these drugs. Curing bacterial diseases is becoming more difficult than before because antibiotics are perhaps our foremost ...

Why the super-rich may take more risks than the rest of us

Like most people, I watched the tragedy of the Titan submersible unfold with horror. We talked about it in cafes, jumped when news reports came in on our phones, and wondered why people would ever actually pay money to experience ...

Women want to ride a bike without fear of injury and harassment

Despite the health and environmental benefits of getting on a bike, in Melbourne, twice as many men ride bikes as women. A new study by Monash University has uncovered both why this is the case, and how it can be reversed.

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