India's top court says privacy is a fundamental right

India's Supreme Court ruled Thursday that citizens have a constitutional right to privacy, a landmark verdict that could have wide-reaching implications for the government's biometric programme which holds data on over one ...

Find out how much privacy you compromise with every click

Does clicking on a link or liking a product have an impact on your privacy and your personal information? An EPFL researcher has come up with a way to browse the internet without revealing too much about yourself and without ...

New tools safeguard Census data about where you live and work

In October 2012, as Hurricane Sandy bore down on the densely populated U.S. East Coast, the state of New Jersey needed information fast. State planners and emergency managers turned to U.S. Census Bureau data about the people ...

Secrets from smart devices find path to US legal system

An Ohio man claimed he was forced into a hasty window escape when his house caught fire last year. His pacemaker data obtained by police showed otherwise, and he was charged with arson and insurance fraud.

Finding an online advertising compromise

How can the internet balance targeted advertising with privacy concerns? A novel approach to targeted advertising would allow companies to offer users relevant advertisements without having to expend energy tracking and data ...

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