Protecting privacy also means preserving democracy

What impact does the proliferation of new mobile technologies have? How does the sharing of personal data over the Internet threaten our society? Interview with Professor Jean-Pierre Hubaux, a specialist in communication ...

Sony network hacked, exec's flight diverted (Update 2)

Hackers attacked Sony's PlayStation Network and apparently disrupted the travel plans of a top company executive by going on Twitter to suggest that there was a bomb on his American Airlines plane.

Reading privacy policy lowers trust

Website privacy policies are almost obligatory for many online services, but for anyone who reads these often unwieldy documents, trust in the provider is more commonly reduced than gained, according to US researchers.

US Senate says firms must protect against malicious ads

The U.S. Senate warned Google, Yahoo and other leading technology companies Thursday they need to better protect consumers from hackers exploiting their lucrative online advertising networks or risk new legislation that would ...

Could decentralized networks help save democracy?

Democratic movements can flourish online, but just as easily get censored. A group of researchers is developing solutions to the vulnerabilities and privacy problems with using big social media platforms like Facebook and ...

Don't let personal data escape your smartphone

( —Two EPFL researchers have developed an application that automatically secures shared information on a mobile phone. The Android app should be available in late summer 2014.

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