Fifth of websites 'lack privacy protection info'

A fifth of the world's websites and mobile telephone applications provide no information on how, or if, they protect users' personal data, a French watchdog said Tuesday.

Internet users seeking more 'invisibility', study says

Consumer efforts to protect personal data and remain "invisible" online is leading to a "data blackhole" that could adversely impact digital advertisers, technology research firm Ovum said Wednesday.

8.7 million mobile customers hacked in S. Korea

South Korean police have arrested two hackers who stole personal data of 8.7 million customers of the nation's second-biggest mobile operator, the company said Sunday.

Facebook IPO has privacy implications, advocates say

Facebook's IPO could be one of the most successful in history, but that very success could force the company to make a choice between protecting users' privacy and exploiting their personal data.

US lawmakers seek Google answers on privacy

Two US lawmakers have asked Google chief Larry Page to brief congress on changes to the Internet search giant's privacy policies, citing concerns about collection and sharing of personal data.

eBay buys recommendation service Hunch

Internet auction giant eBay said Monday it has bought Hunch, an online service which provides users with personalized recommendations for products and services.

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