Fabrics that protect against chemical warfare agents

A new coating for textile fibers shows promise for efficiently capturing toxic industrial chemicals and chemical warfare agents under real-world conditions, including high humidity. The research could lead to improved masks ...

Tablets taking bite out of PC sales: Gartner

Worldwide personal computer sales are on track to set a new record this year but tablets like Apple's iPad are taking a bite out of the sector, technology research firm Gartner said Monday.

Intel makes more inroads in mobile market with new phones

Further demonstrating its resolve to expand beyond the personal computer market, Intel Corp. on Monday announced that three more new smartphones incorporating its microprocessors will be introduced in other countries this ...

LG admits collecting smart TV viewer habits data

South Korea's LG Electronics said Friday it would correct a "bug" on some of its smart TVs after admitting they send information about viewers back to the company without their permission.

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