WhatsApp messaging breached privacy laws

WhatsApp's mobile messaging service used by hundreds of millions of customers worldwide breached privacy laws in at least two countries, a joint Canadian-Dutch probe concluded Monday.

Group says kept in the dark about Facebook case

An Austrian group fighting for clearer privacy policies on Facebook complained Monday that the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) was keeping it in the dark about proceedings.

Facebook failing on privacy promises: campaign group

Facebook has failed to meet a deadline to improve its privacy policies that was set by the data commissioner in Ireland, home to it overseas headquarters, an Austrian advocacy group said on Tuesday.

EU probes new Google privacy policy

The European Union's data protection authorities have asked Google to delay the rollout of its new privacy policy until they have verified that it doesn't break the bloc's data protection laws.

Facebook agrees to changes to improve transparency

(AP) -- Facebook Inc. has agreed to make several changes to its services to improve transparency and better protect the personal data of its millions of users outside of the U.S., following an in-depth audit of its international ...

Unclear what happens to personal info with Clear

(AP) -- More than a quarter million people are wondering what will happen to their fingerprints, Social Security numbers, home addresses and other personal information now that a company that sped them through airport security ...

Is personal data safe at firms?

Making rules can be just as difficult as complying with them. Dutch researcher Marieke Thijssen investigated how well the Personal Data Protection Act (Dutch acronym Wbp) is harmonised with other rules that firms must comply ...

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