Google buys Songza streaming music service

Google on Tuesday said that it has bought Songza, a free online streaming music service that recommends tunes based on what people might be in the mood to hear.

NASA invites public to send names and messages to Mars

NASA is inviting members of the public to submit their names and a personal message online for a DVD to be carried aboard a spacecraft that will study the Martian upper atmosphere.

Business network giants face China 'guanxi' battle

Professional social networking websites such as LinkedIn trying to tap into China's vast business world are finding a formidable domestic foe—the ingrained system of personal connections known as "guanxi".

Review: Searching for answers on Facebook

Facebook has unveiled a new search tool that gives users a chance to sift through the photos, places and other information available on the site—all through the lens of their social connections.

'Digital eternity' beckons as death goes high-tech

Death is no longer the fusty business it once was: from swipeable bar codes on headstones to designer urns, webcam-based ceremonies and virtual memorials, funerals have shot into the 21st century.

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