Very small pores make a big difference in filtering technology

Nanoporous membranes have been shown to be valuable tools for filtering out impurities from water and numerous other applications. However, there's still much work to be done in perfecting their designs. Recently, the lab ...

Zero-carbon energy from seawater now a step closer

Researchers at McGill University have demonstrated a technique that could enable the production of robust, high-performance membranes to harness an abundant source of renewable energy.

Producing electricity at estuaries using light and osmosis

Most renewable power technologies are weather dependent. Wind farms can only operate when there's a breeze, and solar power plants rely on sunlight. Researchers at EPFL are working on a method to capture an energy source ...

Biosensor may provide better cancer diagnosis

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have developed a new biological sensor that could help clinicians better diagnose cancer and epilepsy.

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