Nanoparticle thermotherapy as a chemotherapy alternative

Using hyperthermia, Virginia Tech engineering researchers and a colleague from India unveiled a new method to target and destroy cancerous cells. The research was presented at the 63rd annual meeting of the American Physical ...

Using bacteria batteries to make electricity

( —Their idea is state of the art: Ten Bielefeld students have set their sights on constructing a bio-battery. They want to make use of the bacteria Escherichia coli to convert glucose into energy. With this project, ...

Newly developed synthetic mat could one day cool buildings

(—Sweating is a conceivably simple and efficient process for cooling down the body. People and animals use it to avoid overheating in midsummer temperatures or after physical exertion. The process is now also to ...

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Permeability, permeable and semipermeable may refer to:

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