Research shows too much executive turnover hurts companies

While some companies think shaking up their top management team will limit complacency and improve firm performance, research by University of Kansas School of Business professors shows that's not always true.

Happy-go-lucky CEOs score better returns

A CEO's natural sunny disposition can have an impact on the way the market reacts to announcements of company earnings, according to research from the University of British Columbia's Sauder School of Business.

New methods and tools for sustainable manufacturing

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has led the way in developing new innovative methods and tools. These enable manufacturing industry to develop and implement sustainable business models that consider economic, social ...

Best for batteries: Not too hot, not too cold

( -- Thermal management is crucial in the development of new car batteries; NREL's Large-Volume Calorimeter helps prepare for a surge in electric vehicles.

The seven myths of performance management

Investments in performance measurement and management systems have been steadily increasing over the past two decades, and there is no sign that this trend will change in the future. Leaders and managers in both private and ...

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