First falcons born in Paris since 19th century

The first peregrine falcons to be born in Paris since the end of the 19th century have hatched at the top of a giant heating tower close to the Eiffel Tower, it was announced on Tuesday.

Falcons and snakes call Sydney home

An ecology survey of Sydney's inner city Monday found it is home to a variety of wildlife, including peregrine falcons and the dangerous red-bellied black snake.

New pollutants detected in peregrine falcon eggs

Flame retardants are chemical compounds added to fabrics and plastics to keep them from burning easily, but these can be toxic. Now a team of researchers from Spain and Canada has detected some of these emerging pollutants ...

US plucks tiny daisy from brink of extinction

The tiny Maguire daisy, which grows in the desert southwest of the United States, has been plucked from the edge of extinction after a 25-year conservation effort, US officials have announced.

'Falcon-cam' captures life in UB nest

( -- A new University at Buffalo Web camera is capturing life in a peregrine falcon nest on the UB South Campus in Buffalo, where, for the second consecutive year, a female has laid her eggs.

Predator revival sparks dunlin weight loss

( -- It’s a weight loss plan with life or death consequences. If you’re a dunlin, chances are you’re spending more time flying than eating.

Shorebirds shape up and ship out

Some Canadian shorebirds have had to get fit or die trying. Research published in the open access journal BMC Ecology has found that the average Pacific dunlin has lost weight and spends more time in flight as a response ...

Russian railways enter modern age with new express

Famed for the legendary trains that clank across seven time zones on its Trans-Siberian railroad, Russia this week entered the modern railway age with its first high-tech express train.

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