Economists warn of side effects of raising the retirement age

Leaving paid work opens the door to potentially the best stage of life, and a new study published in The Economic Journal confirms the health and well-being benefits that can stem from retirement via an individual's increased ...

Rising pension age will cut volunteering

Every year about 6 million Australian volunteers chip in more than 500 million hours of unpaid labor but raising the retirement age will reduce people's ability to contribute their free time and efforts, a Flinders University ...

Active aging: How can we avoid a dependency trap?

New research from Professor Les Mayhew, Professor of Statistics at the Business School (formerly Cass) and Head of Global Research at ILC-UK has called on the Government to focus on incentivising healthier lifestyles from ...

Higher earners have easier time understanding pensions

People who have higher incomes devote more attention to understanding the pension rules. The information published by the public authorities is designed for too narrow a target group.

Would a 'variable' state pension age be fairer?

( -- A study suggests the government should introduce a variable state pension age to acknowledge the wide variations in life expectancy across the UK. It also warns the current state pension system is unsustainable ...