Fracking study finds new gas wells leak more

In the state of Pennsylvania's gas drilling boom, newer and unconventional wells leak far more often than older and traditional ones, according to a study of state inspection reports for 41,000 wells.

Animal forensics, DNA used to estimate river otter population

The restoration of Pennsylvania's river-otter population has been, by all accounts, a great success, and a study being conducted by researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences will soon quantify the accomplishment ...

DNA sleuth hunts wine roots in Anatolia

There are easier places to make wine than the spectacular, desolate landscapes of southeast Turkey, but DNA analysis suggests it is here that Stone Age farmers first domesticated the wine grape.

Communities that Care prevention system helps to protect youth

Students in Pennsylvania school districts that participated in Communities that Care (CTC) coalitions were significantly less likely to use alcohol or marijuana, or to engage in delinquent behavior than those in non-CTC districts, ...

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