Tweets, news offer insights on invasive insect spread

A new North Carolina State University study shows the potential for using Twitter and online news articles to track the timing and location of invasive insect spread in the United States and around the globe. Researchers ...

Measuring methane from coal and gas in Pennsylvania informative

While methane pollution caused by natural gas production in Pennsylvania is underestimated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, natural gas still has half the carbon footprint of underground coal mining, according ...

Animal forensics, DNA used to estimate river otter population

The restoration of Pennsylvania's river-otter population has been, by all accounts, a great success, and a study being conducted by researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences will soon quantify the accomplishment ...

Las Vegas Sands sites remain down, probe continues

Websites for casino giant Las Vegas Sands Corp. remained down for a fourth day on Friday, while company, state and U.S. investigators trace the origin and effect of a hacking intrusion.

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