Review: Samsung tablet takes aim at iPad with pen

The tablet-computer market is like guerrilla warfare. One huge army — Apple — dominates the land, while a ragtag group of insurgents keeps raiding and probing, hoping to find some opening it can exploit.

Samsung starts US sales of Galaxy Note 10.1

Samsung Electronics Co. is taking another shot at the dominance of Apple's iPad with a tablet equipped with a digital pen and a faster processor at the same price tag.

Review: Livescribe smartpen is iPad's opposite

Here's a consumer electronics riddle: What's the opposite of the iPad? Answer: the Livescribe Echo "smartpen." It's as if Livescribe and Apple both looked at the old pen-and-pad combination, but completely disagreed on how ...

Review: HTC Flyer tablet mates with slippery pen

Is it better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all? That's the question posed by a new tablet computer that takes aim at one of the deficiencies of the iPad: that it's difficult to write on it with a stylus ...

Scientists record yoctonewton forces

( -- Scientists in Australia and the US have discovered that trapped ions are "exquisitely sensitive" force detectors, and have used them to record the tiniest forces ever measured.

New software to improve design tools

A team of Carnegie Mellon University engineers led by Levent Burak Kara and Kenji Shimada have developed software that will let engineers design new products by simply sketching their ideas on a tablet computer.

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