Study reveals inequity in journal peer review

Scientists' careers are defined by their contributions to the peer-reviewed literature. Yet, a study just out in Nature Ecology & Evolution by Michigan State University researchers reveals that peer review disadvantages some ...

Prominent researchers have an easier time getting work published

Research work by renowned researchers is rated significantly better than work by lesser-known researchers, despite the same quality. This was the conclusion reached by a team of researchers led by Jürgen Huber from the Department ...

Pandemic spawns 'infodemic' in scientific literature

The science community has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with such a flurry of research studies that it is hard for anyone to digest them all, underscoring a long-standing need to make scientific publication more accessible, ...

Innovating the peer-review research process

A team of scientists led by a Michigan State University astronomer has found that a new process of evaluating proposed scientific research projects is as effective—if not more so—than the traditional peer-review method.

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