Oil palm surging source of greenhouse gas emissions

Continued expansion of industrial-scale oil palm plantations on the island of Borneo will become a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 unless strong forest and peatland protections are enacted and enforced, ...

UCLA researchers shake model levee, for peat's sake

The earth rippled and squirmed on this Delta island Monday. It did not yawn open, but did reignite a debate about the seismic safety of levees in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

The wetter the better for daddy longlegs - and birds

(PhysOrg.com) -- Keeping moorland soils wet could prove vital in conserving some of Britain's important upland breeding bird species – by protecting the humble daddy longlegs, according to new research.

Time's rising tide may swamp Delta marshes

While marshes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta area are currently keeping pace with rising sea levels, they may not be sustainable under future sea-level increases.

For peat's sake: Alternative growing media

Peat, or semi-decayed vegetation matter, has been used by commercial growers and amateur gardeners since the middle of the 20th century. Peat is added to potting soil to help retain moisture and provide additional nutrients. ...

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