China vows air pollution cuts in major cities

China vowed Thursday to reduce levels of atmospheric pollutants in Beijing and other major cities by as much as 25 percent to try to improve their dire air quality.

Pearly perfection

The mystery of how pearls form into the most perfectly spherical large objects in nature may have an unlikely explanation, scientists are proposing in a new study. It appears in ACS' journal Langmuir, named for 1932 Nobel ...

Oldest natural pearl found in Arabia

French researchers at the Laboratoire Archéologies et Sciences de l'Antiquité (ArScAn) (CNRS) have unearthed the oldest-ever archeological natural pearl. Discovered at a Neolithic site in the Emirate of Umm al Quwain ...

Pearl Jam concerts drive tourism, hotel demand

You could say Seattle came alive with more than an even flow of tourism dollars from a pair of highly-anticipated Pearl Jam concerts, according to rockin' new research by West Virginia University economists.

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