Ever tried a 'laser delicious' apple?

The ability to detect when to harvest "climacteric" fruits—such as apples, bananas, pears and tomatoes—at the precise moment to ensure "peak edibleness" in terms of both taste and texture may soon be within reach for ...

Japan's maglev train runs test at over 310 mph (w/ Video)

(Phys.org) —Moving toward its goal of building a high-speed magnetic levitation (maglev) train line between Tokyo and Osaka, Central Japan Railway Co has resumed testing of its L0 (L Zero) train—demonstrating speeds just ...

Stanford researchers say 'peak oil' concerns should ease

Fears of depleting the Earth's supply of oil are unwarranted, according to new research, which concludes that the demand for oil – as opposed to the supply – will reach its own peak and then decline.

Intel revamps chipsets in new mobile push

Intel Corp. on Monday unveiled a new line of computer chips as part of the tech giant's efforts to gain traction in the fast-growing mobile sector.

Are some governments taking 'peak oil' seriously?

(PhysOrg.com) -- One of the arguments that some bring up in defense of alternative energy is that of "peak oil." The idea behind peak oil is that, as a fossil fuel in limited supply, eventually we will reach a point where ...

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