Look up and watch asteroid 1994 PC1 fly past Earth this week

In a slow moving universe, asteroids give us a rare chance to see things moving in real time. We have such a chance coming right up on the evening of Tuesday, January 18, when 1.1-kilometer asteroid (7482) 1994 PC1 passes ...

Dell adds to market share in weakening global PC market

As worldwide PC shipments decline, the top three vendors—Lenovo, HP Inc. and Dell Technologies—boosted their share of the global PC market in the first quarter of 2019, according to new industry data.

Lenovo posts $189 mn full-year loss on one-time write-off

Chinese technology giant Lenovo on Thursday said it recorded a $189 million net loss for its full fiscal year due mainly to a one-time charge, while saying it was planning an overhaul to broaden its appeal.

Personal computer market continues to slump

Worldwide shipments of personal computers continued to slump in the recently ended quarter but showed signs of stabilizing, according to figures released Wednesday by market trackers.

Looking inside materials the smart way

Aircraft, trains and power plants have to be inspected regularly. Detecting damage too late could pose safety risks and often results in expensive downtimes. Now, researchers are using the 3-D SmartInspect sensor and inspection ...

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