Getting files from a failed hard drive

A friend whose iMac's hard drive had apparently died called recently, wondering how she might access the files on the failed drive.

Nokia strikes back against 'smart' rivals

Faced with increased competition from up-and-coming rivals, Finnish telecom giant Nokia plans to launch a slew of new products this year but analysts say it faces a tough battle to hold on to its position as the world's number ...

Review: $500 Samsung netbook sports new processor

(AP) -- Intel Corp. has had a near lock on supplying processors for netbooks - the cheap, tiny laptops that are the biggest hit in the computer market these days. Now there's an alternative from a Taiwanese competitor, Via ...

Dell Planning Pocket Web Gadget

( -- Dell engineers are in the process of developing a pocket handheld device for browsing the internet. Dell plans on using the Google Inc.'s Android software and may also use chips based on designed licensed ...

Taiwan's Asustek, Acer unveil new laptop PCs

The world's two leading makers of mini laptops Tuesday introduced their latest computers at the opening of Asia's leading information technology trade fair.

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