PC shipments gain in 3Q, a good sign for holidays

(AP) -- Worldwide shipments of personal computers edged back up in the third quarter, according to industry researchers, a promising sign for the industry as it heads into the holiday shopping season.

'Champions' to unleash virtual heroes and foes

(AP) -- Think you can do better than Stan Lee? Launching next month, the new massively multiplayer online role-playing game "Champions Online" will let gamers create their own virtual superheroes. Sorry, no Spider-Men or ...

Have gear, will travel: Testing the industry's slickest netbooks

Sacrificing a small amount of performance in favor of convenience and travel ease, netbooks are all the rage. It's easy to see why. While they won't let you play next year's hottest PC titles, they can handle a round or ...

PC makers voluntarily supply Web filter in China

(AP) -- Several PC makers were including controversial Internet-filtering software with computers shipped in China on Thursday despite a government decision to postpone its plan to make such a step mandatory.

HP Expands Mini PC Portfolio

HP today expanded its HP Mini family with three new models, offering customers sleek, lightweight companion PCs that come in a variety of configurations and designs.

Photo can be copied from DVD

Q. As a present for a wedding anniversary, my children took many of our slides and put together a great VHS tape for us. Unfortunately, in the process one of the important slides was misplaced.

Reviews of Sony ‘Home' and Alienware gaming PC

"Home"? seems like a project that everybody at Sony was afraid to cancel. Given how long the nebulous social-networking program has been in development and how much money Sony undoubtedly poured into it, it's not surprising ...

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