Look up and watch asteroid 1994 PC1 fly past Earth this week

In a slow moving universe, asteroids give us a rare chance to see things moving in real time. We have such a chance coming right up on the evening of Tuesday, January 18, when 1.1-kilometer asteroid (7482) 1994 PC1 passes ...

Rumor: Asus to make Eee Pad Transformer 2 with Windows 8

(PhysOrg.com) -- The Asus Eee Pad Transformer is one of the most popular models of tablet PCs on the market. The Android Honeycomb-based tablet is expected to become the second most popular tablet on the market, second only ...

Rumors about two new Sony laptops abound

(PhysOrg.com) -- Is Sony trying to out Macbook the Macbook? That is the rumor floating around the tech world today. According to a rumor report, first put out by Sony Insider, the company is allegedly working on two different ...

AMD banks on new chips to drive comeback

After a year like last year, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is shooting for some sort of comeback. The chipmaker lost a boatload of money in 2012 as its sales of personal computer processor chips plunged amid a downturn in the ...

Samsung unveils iPad competitor Galaxy Tab

Samsung unveiled on Thursday what the South Korean electronics giant hopes will be a major rival to Apple's highly successful iPad tablet PC.

Dell adds to market share in weakening global PC market

As worldwide PC shipments decline, the top three vendors—Lenovo, HP Inc. and Dell Technologies—boosted their share of the global PC market in the first quarter of 2019, according to new industry data.

Upgrade to Windows 7? It all depends...

With Windows 7 scheduled for release Oct. 22, the question many readers will be asking is, "Should I upgrade?" The answer depends on your circumstances.

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