Thai floods expected to hit PC shipments into 2012

Thai flooding will significantly slow the global production of personal computers well into 2012, analysts said Thursday, as the country's huge hard disk drive industry struggles to its feet.

PC market losing more ground to tablets

Sales of traditional desktop and mobile personal computers are expected to drop 7.6 percent this year as consumers shift to tablets and other devices, a market tracker said Thursday.

Microsoft fiscal 2Q earns up 60 pct on PC rebound

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. said Thursday its earnings in the most recent quarter jumped 60 percent, as a rebound in the personal computer industry drove sales of the company's latest Windows operating system.

PC makers voluntarily supply Web filter in China

(AP) -- Several PC makers were including controversial Internet-filtering software with computers shipped in China on Thursday despite a government decision to postpone its plan to make such a step mandatory.

More woes for PC sales in 2013

More bad news for struggling makers of personal computers: a new forecast Tuesday suggests sales will fall another 7.8 percent in 2013 as buyers delay PC purchases or choose an alternative device.

In nod to IBM, HP overhaul minimizes consumers

(AP) -- Hewlett-Packard Co. is surrendering in smartphones and tablet computers and has put its personal computer division up for sale, as new CEO Leo Apotheker tries to transform the Silicon Valley stalwart into a twin ...

Me and my files

( -- If you are fed up with juggling too many incompatible devices, European researchers may have the answer. In their 'me-centric' world, you literally wear all your data and transfer what you need to whichever ...

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