Review: Windows 8 a big misstep for Microsoft

The venerable PC is at a crossroads. Sales growth has slowed to a crawl. And consumers and developers are increasingly turning their time and attention to smartphones and tablets.

Review: Update to Windows 8 doesn't fix basic problems

Microsoft is developing an update to Windows 8 that promises to "refine" the clunky software. But if a preview of the update is any indication, the changes won't go far enough to address Windows 8's flaws.

Should I buy a PC or Mac?

Q. Our 6-year-old PC computer is dying a slow death and we are considering moving to a new iMac but have a few concerns. First, of all, we have several Word documents on our disk drive now that we want to keep and add to ...

Tablet PC's Getting Ready for Android 3.0

( -- Android 3.0 aka Gingerbread, is advancing in its development and appears to be on target for an October release. Android 3.0 is expected to have a more intuitive interface and support upcoming services like ...

The Asus New Folding E-Book Reader

( -- Asus has demonstrated a prototype of an e-book reader it is developing. Unlike its competitors, the device resembles a normal book, having two touch screens that will fold up.

Trust Linux!

( -- A team of researchers has implemented support for 'trusted computing' in a commercially available version of the open source operating system Linux, breaking new ground in the global drive toward more secure ...

New Wireless 60 GHz Standard Promises Ultra-Fast Applications

( -- Ultra-high-speed wireless connectivity - capable of transferring 15 gigabits of data per second over short distances - has taken a significant step toward reality. A recent decision by an international standards ...

Getting files from a failed hard drive

A friend whose iMac's hard drive had apparently died called recently, wondering how she might access the files on the failed drive.

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