Tasty leftovers -- of the gadget variety

Being a gadget reviewer often feels like being at a holiday feast. Every day, companies invite me to sample their products, and, even though I know I should turn some of them down, I say yes too often and end up filling my ...

Tech blog, Singapore startup feud over tablet PC

(AP) -- About 18 months ago, a technology blogger got fed up with the industry and forged an alliance with a startup to make his dream computer. It almost worked.

Should I buy a PC or Mac?

Q. Our 6-year-old PC computer is dying a slow death and we are considering moving to a new iMac but have a few concerns. First, of all, we have several Word documents on our disk drive now that we want to keep and add to ...

New computer cluster gets its grunt from games

Technology designed to blast aliens in computer games is part of a new GPU (Graphics Processing Units) computer cluster that will process CSIRO research data thousands of times faster and more efficiently than a desktop PC.

Trust Linux!

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of researchers has implemented support for 'trusted computing' in a commercially available version of the open source operating system Linux, breaking new ground in the global drive toward more secure ...

Amazon delivers Kindle books to PCs

Amazon.com on Tuesday released free software that lets people read the online retail titan's electronic Kindle books on personal computers.

Embedded systems -- the whole picture

(PhysOrg.com) -- Embedded computer systems must be fast and efficient. A European consortium has created a new modelling framework that lets designers strike the best balance between static, reconfigurable and analogue hardware ...

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