Me and my files

( -- If you are fed up with juggling too many incompatible devices, European researchers may have the answer. In their 'me-centric' world, you literally wear all your data and transfer what you need to whichever ...

Global 1Q PC shipments jump more than 20 percent

(AP) -- Worldwide personal computer shipments increased more than 20 percent in the first three months of 2010 from the same period a year ago, a sign the PC business is on firmer ground after one of its shakiest stretches ...

PC sales to grow 20 percent in 2010: Gartner

Worldwide sales of personal computers are expected to grow nearly 20 percent this year over 2009, with laptops driving new sales, research group Gartner said on Thursday.

Microsoft fiscal 2Q earns up 60 pct on PC rebound

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. said Thursday its earnings in the most recent quarter jumped 60 percent, as a rebound in the personal computer industry drove sales of the company's latest Windows operating system.

Global 4Q PC shipments jumped on price cuts

(AP) -- Worldwide shipments of personal computers came back strongly in the fourth quarter of 2009, researchers said Wednesday, led by U.S. consumers lured by low prices during the holiday shopping season.

Netbooks popularity expected to continue in 2010

Small and inexpensive "netbooks" were some of the most popular computers in the recession, wooing consumers with their portability and prices that were often below $400. Now with the economy improving, consumers will be asked ...

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