Running on tempo

Some runners take it slow while others tear up the pavement. Either way, music gives runners their mojo, and can be the key to creating a productive, enjoyable run, according to a team of Michigan State University seniors ...

Banks team up for online payment system

Online and mobile customers of three major banks will be able to instantly zap funds from their accounts to other depositors at the banks under a program to be rolled out across the country over the coming year.

Sweden is on track to becoming the first cashless nation

Sweden is on its way to becoming the world's first cashless society, thanks to the country's embrace of IT, as well as a crackdown on organized crime and terror, according to a study from Stockholm's KTH Royal Institute of ...

Apple unveils ApplePay mobile wallet

Apple unveiled a new mobile wallet on Tuesday aimed at allowing consumers to use iPhones linked to credit cards for more secure, convenient payments.

Bitcoin 'mining pool' promises to stay small

The largest group of bitcoin miners, which maintains and processes transactions in the digital currency, is promising to avoid majority control of the currency as a temporary measure to maintain the payment system's credibility.

PayPal to expand in Asia after mobile app launch

PayPal Asia-Pacific chief Rupert Keeley said Friday the US company plans to expand in the region over the next 12 to 18 months, after it launched the region's first payments service for smartphones.

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