Google working on phone with built-in payment tool

Google Inc. is taking another stab at designing a game-changing mobile phone, this time by including a built-in payment system that could eventually enable the devices to replace credit cards.

Pay babysitter on iPhone, says Twitter

Microblogging service Twitter has branched into the market for electronic payments, unveiling a mini credit card swiper that plugs into the iPhone, at a European internet fair on Wednesday.

Swipe Your Credit Card on a Cell Phone

( -- With a small card reader that attaches to a cell phone, a new company is making it easier for small businesses and even individuals to accept credit card payments. The San Francisco start-up, called Square, ...

Prosecutors say man stole 130M credit card numbers

(AP) -- Federal prosecutors on Monday charged a Miami man with the largest case of credit and debit card data theft ever in the United States, accusing the one-time government informant of swiping 130 million accounts on ...

When should banks chase debts? New method could help them decide

Like Kenny Rogers' gambler, who has to "know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em," banks face financial risks and uncertainty when deciding when to chase consumers who default on their credit card payments and when to ...

The wallet as you know it may be dying

You grab your keys, smartphone and wallet when you leave the house. Would it be such a disaster if you left that last one behind?

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