Retailers large and small find advantages to mobile payments

The way we pay for things is changing. Those credit-card keypads yielding paper receipts are giving way to a new group of mobile payment devices that merchants say charge cheaper swipe fees, and are faster and easier to use.

Two Romanians plead guilty in US hacking case

Two Romanian nationals pleaded guilty Monday to charges stemming from a scheme to hack into and steal payment card data from hundreds of US merchants, officials said.

Cambridge team exposes EMV card vulnerabilities

(—At a cryptography gathering in Leuven, Belgium, on Tuesday, Cambridge University researchers made it known that they do not like what they see in chip and pin systems. Banks rely on customer confidence in their ...

Digital 'wallets' proliferate at cellphone show

Cash, coins and credit cards are so Twentieth Century. At least, that's the opinion of the electronics manufacturers, phone companies, banks and credit card issuers that expect cellphones to be the main way consumers pay ...

Cellphone trade show kicks off in New Orleans

(AP) -- CTIA Wireless, the U.S. cellphone phone industry's annual trade show that starts Tuesday, is drawing heavy participation not just from the cellphone industry, but from MasterCard, Visa, and other companies in the ...

Smartphones wallets going mainstream: survey

Using smartphones or tablets as digital "wallets" will be common within a decade, largely replacing cash and credit cards, according to a Pew Research survey released on Tuesday.

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