Related topics: space

Hobbyist drones find eager buyers

Drones are showing up in this country in increasing numbers - and they could be coming to a neighborhood near you. While that prospect raises privacy concerns among some critics, for Colin Guinn it means business is taking ...

Webb's cool instrument enters payload module

( —Inside the cleanrooms of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, the international James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is beginning to take shape.

Europe okays design for next-generation rocket

The European Space Agency (ESA) on Tuesday said it had approved the final design for a next-generation rocket, Ariane 6, aimed at maintaining Europe's grip on the fast-changing market for satellite launches.

Thales Alenia Space kicks off Euclid construction

The construction of ESA's Euclid space mission to explore the 'dark Universe' will be led by Italy's Thales Alenia Space as prime contractor, beginning the full industrial phase of the project. 

New breed of satellites

( —These pictures give the first detailed views of the next batch of Galileo satellites, the first of which has already been delivered to ESA for rigorous testing in simulated space conditions.

Small satellites soar in high-altitude demonstration

( —Four tiny spacecraft soared over the California desert June 15 in a high-altitude demonstration flight that tested the sensor and equipment designs created by NASA engineers and student launch teams.

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