Related topics: space

NASA tests new ride for science studies from Wallops

NASA will test a new capability for supporting science research in the mesosphere with the launch of two rockets from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia on Feb. 9, 2023. The two Improved-Orion suborbital sounding rockets ...

Heavy payload balloon lifted to near-space heights

A high-altitude scientific balloon containing 1.2-ton payloads was lifted into the sky and reached an altitude of 30km in a demonstration test that helped validate the payload capacity of a near-space balloon platform.

Euclid gains solar power and protection

Spacecraft are not so different to humans—while the sun can be a great source of vital energy, both people and machines must also be protected from its harmful effects.

NASA selects new instruments for priority Artemis science on moon

Adding to the growing list of commercial deliveries slated to explore more of the moon than ever before under Artemis, NASA has selected two new science instrument suites, including one that will study the mysterious Gruithuisen ...

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