New vulnerability found in major human viruses

Discovery of a new feature of a large class of pathogenic viruses may allow development of new antiviral medications for the common cold, polio, and other illnesses, according to a new study publishing June 11 in the open-access ...

A common honey bee disease is spread through flowers

James Cook University scientists have discovered a common honey bee disease can be deadly to native Australian wild bees and can be transmitted by flowers—the first time this link has been made.

Study finds a weak spot on deadly ebolavirus

Scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and the US Army's Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases have isolated and analyzed an antibody that neutralizes Sudan virus, a major species of ebolavirus and one ...

World's only dog test for a culprit in 'kennel cough'

The world's first diagnostic test for canine pneumovirus, a unique culprit in "kennel cough"—canine respiratory illness common in shelters and kennels—is now available at Cornell's Animal Health Diagnostic Center (AHDC).

New coronavirus related to viruses from bats

The virus that is causing alarm among global public health authorities after it killed a man in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia earlier this year and is now linked to two other cases of disease is a novel type of coronavirus most closely ...

First estimate of total viruses in mammals

Scientists estimate that there is a minimum of 320,000 viruses in mammals awaiting discovery. Collecting evidence of these viruses, or even a majority of them, they say, could provide information critical to early detection ...

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