Report: Kodak gets patent bid from Apple, Google

Apple and Google, bitter rivals in smartphone technology, have joined up to make a combined bid for a bundle of patents offered by photography pioneer Kodak, according to a published report.

3Qs: What the Apple-Samsung ruling means for design patents

(—A jury in San Jose, Calif., recently found that Sam­sung Elec­tronics infringed on Apple's patents, awarding the iPod man­u­fac­turer more than $1 bil­lion in dam­ages. We asked Susan Bar­bieri Mont­gomery, ...

Kodak to sell imaging units, focus on printing

(AP)—Kodak says it will sell its document imaging and personalized imaging businesses to better focus on printing and business services as it works to emerge from bankruptcy protection.

Kodak patent deemed invalid in fight with Apple-RIM

A US judge on Monday said a Kodak patent allegedly infringed upon by Apple and Blackberry-maker Research In Motion (RIM) was not valid, dealing another blow to the struggling photography pioneer.

Kodak gets 2013 deadline to reorganize

(AP) -- Eastman Kodak Co. has obtained a bankruptcy judge's approval to borrow an initial $650 million from Citigroup Inc. to keep operations running while it peddles a trove of digital-imaging patents.

Canada won't review $4.5B sale of Nortel patents

(AP) -- The $4.5 billion sale of Nortel's patent portfolio to a consortium including Research In Motion Ltd. cleared another hurdle Tuesday as the Canadian government said the deal does not need to be reviewed under the ...

Judges in US, Canada approve Nortel patents sale

(AP) -- U.S. and Canadian judges have approved a $4.5 billion cash bid from a consortium that includes smartphone makers Apple and Research In Motion for patents held by bankrupt telecom-equipment maker Nortel.

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