How have attitudes toward US immigration changed?

Hostility to immigrants isn't new to the United States. In 1896, Henry Cabot Lodge warned on the Senate floor that the "mental and moral qualities" of Americans would be endangered by the "wholesale infusion of races whose ...

For climate change mitigation, bipartisan politics can work

In an increasingly polarized nation, cooperation across party lines is key to sustained climate mitigation in the United States, according to a new CIRES study. To sustain climate progress over decades, bipartisan cooperation ...

Supporting both political parties can help companies reduce risk

U.S. companies that balance their political connections across party lines in a polarized partisan environment are in a position to see less volatility in their stock prices and profits, according to a University of Oregon-led ...

Newspapers can reduce polarization by focusing on local issues

If you're confused about opinion journalism and what it is, you're not alone. Many Americans are. But even so, the editorials, opinion columns and letters to the editor that fill the op-ed pages could help bridge political ...

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