Where to park your car, according to math

Just as mathematics reveals the motions of the stars and the rhythms of nature, it can also shed light on the more mundane decisions of everyday life. Where to park your car, for example, is the subject of a new look at a ...

Voltage loss in electrically conductive bacteria

An international research group has shed new light on cable bacteria. Using laser light, researchers have followed electrons as they travel through the current-conducting bacteria, and on the basis of the electrical potential ...

Letting your car find a spot and park itself

With a thumb swipe on a smartphone, your car one day will be able to drive into a parking deck, find an open spot and back into a space—all by itself.

IBM looks to take pain out of parking

US technology stalwart IBM and Internet startup Streetline on Wednesday will begin courting cities with a system designed to take the pain out of parking.

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